Some common English onomatopoeias for the sneeze sound are achoo, atchoo, achew, and atishoo, with the first syllable corresponding to the sudden intake of air, and the second to the sound of the sneeze.
A similar linguistic approach has been taken with several other languages; in French, the sound "Atchoum!" is used; in Finnish "Atsiuh!"; in Icelandic "Atsjú!"; in Norwegian "Atsjo!"; in Swedish "Atjo"; in Danish "Atju!"; in Dutch "Hatsjoe!" or "Hatsjie!"; in Hebrew and Lithuanian "Apchi!"; in German "Hatschie!"; in Estonian "Atsihh!" and "Aptsihh!"; in Hungarian "Hapci!" and "Hapcik!"; in Polish, "Apsik!"; in Russian , "Apchkhi!"; in Turkish, "Hapşu!"; in Italian, "Etciù!"; in Spanish "¡Achís!"; in Portuguese, "Atchim!"; in Romanian "Hapciu!" ; in Malayalam "Thummal"; in Filipino "Hatsing!"; in Japanese, "Hakushon!"; in Tamil, "Thummal"; in Telugu, "Akshi"; in Korean, "Achee!" and in Vietnamese, "Hát-xì!!". In Cypriot Greek, the word is "Apshoo!", incidentally also the name of a village, which is the cause of much mirth locally.
In Howards End, by E.M. Forster, a sneeze in polite society is "A-tissue" - a literary allusion to its respective remedy.
What's with the Tamil and Malayalam ones?
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